Announcing the 2014-15 Korea Foundation Post Doctoral Fellow at the Korea Institute, Harvard, Dennis Lee

May 2, 2014
Headshot image of KI Korea Foundation Post Doc, Dennis Lee, 2014-15

The Korea Institute is pleased to announce the new 2014-15 Korea Foundation Post Doctoral Fellow at the Korea Institute, Harvard University.

Dennis Lee will receive his Ph.D. in Cultural and Comparative Studies focusing on early Korean-Japanese relations from the University of California, Los Angeles in June of 2014. His dissertation is entitled, "Keyhole-shaped Tombs and Unspoken Frontiers: Exploring the Borderlands of Early Korean-Japanese Relations in the 5th - 6th Centuries." His research looks at the frontiers of historical states that are "invisible" in textual records and tries to understand their role in relations between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago.

Since 2012, Dennis Lee has been a visiting researcher at the Yonsei University Institute of Korean Studies. He also taught courses at Yonsei University Underwood International College and Korea University's Graduate Studies in International Studies in Seoul, South Korea.

His research/teaching interests include early Korean-Japanese relations as seen through text and archaeology. He also plans to develop mapping software that will analyze transportation networks between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago from the 4th-7th century.